Why do we sing the ABC's or 50 Nifty United States? It's because most people remember information presented in a song better than that which they've read or even heard spoken. My boys especially respond to music and when they were smaller I had a song for everything from bath time routine to table manners. I missed getting this out for President's Day but if you reference it next year maybe it can still come in handy.
The book Our Abe Lincoln presents simple yet accurate information on our 16th president to the tune of OLD GRAY MARE and will have you humming the tune long after you've closed the book.
Apparently you can buy the book with a CD. I have not heard the CD but it has gotten great reviews and contains about a 20 minute child-friendly narrative about Abraham Lincoln.
If you have a personal interest in Lincoln, I highly recommend Killing Lincoln by Bill O'Reilly. It is the best history book I have ever read.